Sunday 22 May 2016

Twitter Chat's For Bloggers

Hello my lovely's, I am going to talk a little about blogger chats on Twitter. I have been trying to make a big effort to get involved with some conversations but being a mummy takes up a lot of time and bedtime routines don't really work great in this house, thankfully daddy is the one who does the putting to bed so I can get a little me time. I try to get involved as often as I can. Finding the chats can be a challenge in itself for new bloggers. I have looked through many people's lists of blog chats and thought I would bring you the ones I have found that I am interested in joining in with. I know there are so many more and if you think you know the one I would like please let me know! Obviously, I won't be able to do the ones that are at the same time, so I will be changing it up weekly.

Friday 20 May 2016

Delicious Brownie Recipe

Hello my lovely's I thought I would share a brownie recipe with you today as I made these the other day and they were so nice.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Is It As Good As It Claims? Results

Hello my lovely's a few weeks back I posted about Scholl's cracked heel repair cream. I have been using Scholls cracked heel repair cream morning and night for two weeks testing its claims of visible results in 3 days and working in 7 days.  
I took picture the night I started, on the 3rd day, 7th day, 10th day and 14th day.

Scholl's cracked heel repair cream my results 

scholl's cracked heel repair cream results after 3 and 7 days
Scholl's cracked heel repair cream results after 3 and 7 days

scholl's cracked heel repair cream results after 10 and 14 days
Scholl's cracked heel repair cream results after 10 and 14 days
As you can see a huge difference by the end and it had started showing improvement after 3 days, by day 7 it hadn't 'worked' as such, it had improved but wasn't fixed. After 14 days I am very happy with the results but I think one more week may actually have my feet flip flop ready and with the weather we are having right now I can't wait to get my feet out in some pretty sandals! 

If I had started it before they got into such a state then I believe this cream could of worked in 7 days but the cracks were just too deep. 
It sinks in quite quickly but it does leave a powdery white mark on my socks. I apply it; leave 10 mins then put my socks on and when I took them off I had white socks and often it was on my leggings too! 
This cream actually helped my dry skin on my hands. I suffer from dermatitis and this is actually pretty handy for that!  
Over all I give Scholls cracked heel repair cream a 9/10 

It is currently on offer in Boots for £4.85 usual price £5.39 

Wednesday 4 May 2016

10 More Make Up Artist Tips

Hello my lovely's my last post with make up artist tips (if you haven't read it check it out here) has been very popular having the most views on one page in a week than any of my other posts so I thought I would give you a few more. 
Today I thought I would pick an area and just give tips on that and maybe over the next few weeks give more on other areas of make up. 

make up artist tips
More Make Up Tips From A Pro

So we are starting with eyes here are my make up artist tips,

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